Our space radiation shielding for the protection of electronics and optics is an advanced material called PolyRAD.

PolyRAD was developed under a SBIR contract from NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, both Phase I and Phase II.

The dose-reduction performance of PolyRAD is equivalent to that of tungsten at a mass savings approximately from 20 to 30 percent, depending on the orbit.  Our machining  techniques enable us to more efficiently fabricate net-shape shields from castings than would be the case using tungsten or other shielding materials.  Depending on the orbit, from 3 to 6 orders of magnitude of total dose reduction can be achieved.

A summary of PolyRAD’s properties may be seen by clicking here.

Examples of PolyRAD shields may be seen by clicking here.


Electron and Proton Radiation Shielding


Dose Modeling for Space Flight



Gamma Radiation Shielding


Tissue Equivalent Materials

Dose Modeling for Electron and Gamma Exposures


Dose Modeling for Spacecraft Design